Modeling-based Learning in Pre-School Science: Affordances of Different Types of Children-Constructed Models
Despite its proven added value, Modeling-based Learning(MbL) in science is not commonly incorporated into early grades science education. Following a growing body of research on using MbL in early grades, this multi-case study seeks to provide detailed descriptions of the implementation of MbL with 3 groups of pre-K children engaged in the study of three different phenomena, taught by 3 different teachers participating in a professional development program of pre-school science education. Findings across the different cases suggest that participating pre-school children were successfully engaged in authentic MbL activities and developed several different types of models using knowledge and experiences, as well as a variety of features of both analogical and mechanistic reasoning. I use this evidence to argue that (a)different MbL tools may afford different learning opportunities; (b)pre-school children have modeling resources that can use to utilize different tools using MbL in natural ways of young children learning (e.g.,playing).
Journal or Serie
Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS
16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2022
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Date Issued
Open Access
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)